Committed to delivering quality nuts

Quality Guaranteed!

We are very dedicated to caring for our orchards and constantly strive to keep our trees in optimal condition to ensure that only the best quality nuts are produced.

Soil analyzes are conducted twice a year (January and July) for the purpose of detail analysis in an accredited laboratory to determine the soil status for all essential elements. In addition, six leaf analyzes are done during the summer months to specifically verify the status of micro-elements in the leaves. Our fertilizer and foliar feeding program are formulated using this information and adapted to ensure that the trees receive all their nutrients they need at every stage of the development process.

To this end, we make use of an international company called Smart Fertilizer who runs an interactive computer program on which our farm information is regularly read and through existing known parameters. By means of algorithms, meaningful recommendations regarding the fertilizer and foliar nutritional needs are made. Not only does it always ensure optimal nutritional conditions for the plant, but it also saves us a lot of money by not applying anything unnecessarily or too much.

Our Priority is The Environment!

Pecan Global (Pty) Ltd is very optimistic about the prospects in the pecan industry waiting for South African farmers. This is definitely a rewarding industry and we encourage prospective farmers to become involved in the industry. We are more than willing to share information with prospective farmers.

Expert Staff

We employ a qualified horticulturist who focuses on full-time improvement of the overall plant health of our orchards and on continuous trials / experiments to improve quality and yield. This is an unceasing process!

Pecan Global (Pty) Ltd is also very proud of our commitment to Metson World. The latter provides all our needs with regard to our foliar feeding programs in order to maintain our orchards vigorously and optimally.

As our motto indicates, Pecan Global (Pty) Ltd is committed to delivering quality nuts and it is guaranteed! We make a lot of effort to fulfil this promise and this aspect is non-negotiable.


We also try to keep abreast of developments in the world pecan nanotechnology arena and are constantly in close contact with fellow farmers in the US and processors in China and other foreign markets.

Pecan Global (Pty) Ltd also has its own processing plant in Jan Kempdorp where its nuts are clad, sorted and packaged for export in bulk to overseas markets. It operates in a separate subsidiary company called Pecan Global Export Company (Pty) Ltd and we have a dedicated staffing team that ensures that only the best pecan nuts are delivered to our valued overseas customers.

As our motto indicates, Pecan Global (Pty) Ltd is committed to delivering quality nuts and it is guaranteed! We make a lot of effort to fulfill this promise and this aspect is non-negotiable.

Pecan Global

Pecan nut farmers, distributors, exporters and pecan nut connoisseurs. We specialize in producing a variety of the best quality pecan nuts.


1 Industry Road

Jan Kemp, Northern Cape, South Africa

Phone: 066 484 1825
Fax: 086 6089 496

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